Webx Help Center / User Management

User Management

Learn about your account on Webx Ecommerce and managing multiple user accounts for your staff with access control.

If you have multiple people working with you and accessing your Webx admin, you might want to have separate accounts for each person. With user management, you can create separate user accounts, set permissions and let them access your Webx admin without giving access to sensitive information.

Only the account owner and admin user accounts can create and delete user accounts.

Manage Users

To add user accounts:

  1. From your Webx admin, go to Settings > User Management
  2. Click Add New User
  3. In New User popup, enter the required information
  4. Enter User Name
  5. Enter Login ID
    Login ID must has one dot [.] in between. Only letters [a-z], numbers [0-9] and dot [.] are allowed.
    For example: sales.mystore or john.smith
  6. Enter a Password
  7. Select the modules to give access rights
  8. Click Save