9 Ways to Increase Traffic on Your Ecommerce Store

by Rabeea Mansoor 8min read
Looking for ways to increase traffic to your ecommerce store and make more sales? Here are a few effective ways to do that.

Having an ecommerce store will mean nothing if you are unable to make sales that can give you profit enough to grow your business. Therefore, if you are looking to increase your sales but unsure how you can do it, the answer lies in increasing traffic on your ecommerce store. 

The more traffic that comes to your store, the higher your chances of turning those visitors into customers. However, increasing traffic on your ecommerce store is a big challenge. Keeping this in mind, we have put together a list of all the effective ways to increase your ecommerce store traffic, so keep reading on. 

Bring your presence on social media

Many ecommerce store owners do not think about creating social media accounts for their brands, thinking it’s unnecessary. However, they don’t realise that one in every three buyers says that they refer to brands' social media pages to find more information, showing how important it is to have social media presence in this age. Therefore, you must create your social media profiles if you want to increase traffic to your store. 

Set up business pages from your business accounts and create your online presence in line with your brand personality. Once you have created pages, start posting aggressively to gain likes and followers. You can also run sponsored ads to reach a wider audience. 

Initiate Referral programs

It has been seen that leads that come via referral programs convert at a 30 percent higher rate, showing that referral programs work better than any other marketing method. Therefore, if you want to increase traffic on your ecommerce store by ten folds, you can offer your customers discounts or rewards for referring your store to others. 

Sale campaigns

A sale campaign has to be the best way to attract traffic to the ecommerce site you have created using a free online ecommerce website builder. You don’t have to offer massive pricing discounts that could drain your wallet and leave you with insignificant revenue. However, you can offer enough discounts to make your customers feel that they are getting a good deal and not heavy on your pockets.

Utilise Email Marketing 

In the world of Instagram and TikTok, email marketing may sound a bit outdated, but it is not. Email marketing is the best channel to bring traffic to your store as they land directly in the inbox of all the subscribed people. 

You can start by growing an engaged email list which is only permission-based; this will ensure that emails will be sent to only those who want to receive your email and be engaged in your campaign. Subscription-based contact list ensures authentic traffic to your store, leading to more chances of sales. There are other ways to make your email marketing successful which are covered below: 

Keep your content concise: The minimum the content, the higher the reader’s engagement. The average attention span of users is only 8 seconds, which shows how quickly your mind can divert from one thing to another. In light of this, an email containing a few lines and more images will do better in capturing your users’ attention than an email with more text and fewer images. 

Use Social Media:

Scheduling regular posts with quality and relevant content builds your brand identity and helps you get new leads. However, you can also use your business’s social media presence to enhance your email marketing. Ask for your audience's email addresses in your social media postings and include them in your email marketing contact list. This way, you will be able to reach wider audiences quickly.

Be consistent with your emails: Creating reliability with your audience is of paramount importance if you want to build a strong customer relationship. Sending your emails every week on the same day and time will portray a reliable image to your audience, and they will look forward to your emails. Therefore, consistency is the key to making your email marketing successful.

Optimise your ecommerce store for mobile 

With 7.1 billion mobile users around the globe, it comes as no surprise that mobile optimisation of any website holds the utmost importance. Mobile optimisation is a technical process of making your ecommerce store engaging and ideal for users visiting it via their mobile phones. A truly optimised ecommerce store offers an immersive experience to the users and uses it seamlessly across all channels. 

Effectively Optimize your SEO

People search for their desired product by putting certain keywords in the google search engine. The web pages that come up in response to that query appear in the form of a list of all the websites that have those keywords.

The pages with a higher number of those keywords will appear higher in the list than those with fewer keywords. This is what you call Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which organically brings traffic to your ecommerce store. However, a good SEO strategy does not just focus on keyword research but also relies on user intent, content quality, and content type. 

If you have spent time creating an ecommerce store using any free online ecommerce website builder, you wouldn’t want your efforts to go in vain by having it ranked low and not visible to the traffic. Therefore, an effective SEO strategy is essential if you want your store to attract traffic. But you must also ensure that your SEO strategy is aligned with the changes google launches for its algorithm after every few months. These changes are introduced to ensure users have relevant, trustworthy, and relevant user experiences. 

Run paid ads

Where SEO help you attract traffic to your store organically, ads require you to pay to bring traffic to your ecommerce store. There are numerous benefits of paid advertisements, from being faster and easily measurable to targeting your exact audience. You will find multiple paid ads that will give you effective results and increase your ecommerce store traffic. Some are covered below.

1. Search Ads:

They are shown in the search results of all the search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

2. Display Ads:

When you visit any blog or website, you will notice ads appearing on the sides. These ads are display ads. They promote your ecommerce store on other websites and blogs.

3. Social media ads:

Paid advertisements on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, and other such platforms are social media ads. They are highly effective due to their wider reach than any other advertisement. You can also curate highly targeted audiences and make these ads available in the news feeds, stories, or sponsored posts. You can also check out our detailed guide on How to run Facebook Ads to know how you can run ads on Facebook.

4. Email Ads:

Unlike email marketing that sends emails to subscribed users, email ads appear in your audience's inboxes without requiring any sort of subscription from them. They mainly work on user behaviour.

5. Google Shopping Ads:

The ads you see on search engines with the product’s images, pricing, and reviews, are google shopping ads. These ads work on a cost-per-click model, meaning you will only pay the bid if a shopper clicks on your ad.

6. Video Ads:

The average time an adult spends watching videos is around 103 minutes daily. Leveraging this, you can advertise your ecommerce store with instream or video ads; the former appears before the video starts while the latter appears in the middle of the video.

7. Retargeting Ads:

These ads work best to bring back those customers who either abandoned the product at the checkout or shopped for a similar outcome. You can retarget them with the same product ad or upsell your products.

8. Native Ads:

These ads appear as sponsored blog posts, infographics, or videos that appear in the list of other blogs and do not look like any banner or sidebar. They are product or service-centric and can be used to redirect readers to your online store. 

Incorporate Content Marketing:

If you have just launched your ecommerce store and are relatively new in your industry, content marketing is best to stimulate interest in your target audience and bring them to your store. The goal of content marketing is not precisely to make people purchase products from your store but to build brand recognition. Blogs, videos, and infographics are the component of content marketing that communicate with your audience in a decided manner and tone. 

Utilise Influencer marketing

Another great way to spread the word about your ecommerce store or business is to partner with people with a big network. For this purpose, you can leverage influencer marketing as influencers typically have a large following and their followers rely on them for making decisions. Therefore, you can partner with influencers who create content about products or services in your industry. The best way to pull it off is to gather a list of popular accounts on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. You can create a list either manually or through online tools that generate a list for you. 

Once you have the list, start contacting each of them and creating a solid rapport. Take your time building a relationship with them so things can go smoothly. Gradually introduce your business terms and familiarise them with your product or service. Send them samples with complete instructions and details about your product. Consider offering them special discounts that they can use to lure their followers into visiting your store. 

If done right, influencer marketing is one of the best ways to increase traffic on your ecommerce store and obtain potential leads. 

Bottom line 

Owning an ecommerce store is not enough if you don’t get enough traffic on it. Therefore you must invest your time and energy into taking the abovementioned steps to maintain or increase traffic on your online store. Once you have secured a good amount of traffic, you will make big sales and good revenue in no time. 

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