Webx Help Center / Products / Product Images

Product Images

Product images are displayed on your online store to let your customers see what your products look like. The best file type for product images is JPEG.

The exact way your product images appear on your store depends on the theme of your online store.

Image Size - Your product images can be any size up to 2048 x 2048 pixels. Product images need to have a file size smaller than 2 MB to be added to store.

Main Image - The first image for each product is known as the featured, or main, image. The featured image is shown on products listing, the cart page, the checkout page, and your home page.

Add a product image

You can add up to 4 images for a single product. When you add a product image, Webx automatically creates different sizes for use in different areas of your online store theme. For example, a product image's large version will be used on the product detail page, where the customer wants to see the product in detail, and would love to see a larger image with options to zoom. The compact version of the same image will be used on the products listings as thumbnail, where a larger image isn't necessary and will take long time to load.

To add an image to a product:

  1. From the View Products page, click a product to see its details page.
  2. Go to Product Images Section
  3. In the Product Images section, either upload images from your computer or directly download image from image URL.

If you add more than one image, then the first one added is your product's main image. You can set a new main image by selecting a different image.